I have just started writing a new book under the topic of mountain climbing. I would like to state my idea that mountain climbing is essentially a prayer. The trails near the top of Mt. Everest or Mt. Fuji are heavily congested, and plus, the vicinity are full of trash. I smell big egos with the manner of modern alpinists. It is not at all necessary to challenge tall &famous mountains, with big risks of danger, and high costs of money and labor. When we climb our own favorite mountains with solitude and sincerity, we can communicate with the mystic power of nature and elevate our spiritual level as a human being.
【Note】You are all welcome to join Arigato Zen at Arigato temple, which is a non-sectarian Buddhist church with a spectacular view of Mt. Fuji. Free-shuttle bus from Mishima Station of JR Sinkansen. Arigato Zen begins at 13:30 on Sept. 9th. Admission is¥3000. Inquiry:
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